Integration of Solar Systems into the Building Envelope

Online via Zoom, United Kingdom

Integration of Solar Systems into the Building Envelope BIPVco This BIPVco seminar looks at the integration of solar technology onto a building. It will help you understand the following topics: […]


Integration of Solar Systems into the Building Envelope Copy

Online via Zoom, United Kingdom

Integration of Solar Systems into the Building Envelope BIPVco This BIPVco seminar looks at the integration of solar technology onto a building. It will help you understand the following topics: […]


Insolvency Recovery Planning

Online via Zoom, United Kingdom

Insolvency recovery planning An Insolvency Recovery Plan provides a structured template to pre-plan for an insolvency event. The plans act like a ‘lifeboat drill’ to ensure that the protection measures […]


Insolvency Recovery Planning Copy

Online via Zoom, United Kingdom

Insolvency recovery planning An Insolvency Recovery Plan provides a structured template to pre-plan for an insolvency event. The plans act like a ‘lifeboat drill’ to ensure that the protection measures […]


Easements and covenants

Easements & covenants Easements and Covenants affect land and are a means of granting rights or imposing obligations over neighbouring land. It is necessary when buying or seeking to develop land […]


Insolvency recovery planning

Insolvency recovery planning   The insolvency of a Principal Contractor or a key supply-chain partner part-way through a project can have devasting consequences. An insolvency event can result in significant […]

Why gutters fail

Why gutters fail Why gutters fail and the options to repair, replace or refurbish: Introduction Why gutters fail Decision to repair, replace or refurbish System comparisons Practical demonstration Technical reference […]


Lime plasters, mortars & renders

Lime plasters, mortars & renders Tom Balch is a director of Rose of Jericho, manufacturers and suppliers of traditional paints and lime mortars, plasters and renders for  traditional and historic […]
