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A full day of multi choice CPD sessions aimed at those working as Residential Property or Building Surveyor within private practice, local government or construction. A lively mix of topics will be presented from well known and popular speakers including Kevin Stubbs, Philip Santo, Howard Jenkins and Tom Littler
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Module 1
Session A: How old is that house? Philip Santo
Session B: The devil is in the detail, Kevin Stubbs, Historic Buildings
Module 2
Session A: Domestic roofing – a compendium of new and recurring issues, Tom Littler
Session B: Building regulation update
Module 3
Session A: International Property Measurement Standards, Patrick Bond, VOA
Session B: Working with lead sheet, Richard Diment, Lead Sheet Association
Module 4
Session A: Cavity wall ties and masonry stabilisation, Richard Walker, Peter Cox Ltd
Session B: Dilapidations, Howard Jenkins
Module 5
Session A: Identifying and reporting risks and their consequences, Tom Littler
Session B: Timber framed structures
Module 6
Session A: Contaminated land issues, Groundsure
Session B: The use of drones in Surveying
Module 8
Session A: Thermal imaging and its use in Surveying, Thermographic Consultancy
Session B: Legal update
Module 9
Session A: A Surveyors guide to identifying trees, Philip Santo
Session B: Electrical defects, Steve Martin, ECA
£110.00 plus VAT (£132.00)
Price includes conference proceedings, all refreshments including lunch and comprehensive delegate pack.
CPD – Up to 6.5 formal hours
Bookings can be made online below or by cheque/BACS
The Manchester programme 2017 can be downloaded here
The Manchester booking form can be downloaded here
7 people are attending CPD day for Building and Residential Property Surveyors, Manchester