CPD essentials is an established and well respected CPD provider which has provided CPD to over 8000 surveyors in the past 10 years.. The aim is to provide:
- Value for money
- Relevance
- Local venues
- Delegate involvement
- Variety of formats
Feedback will be gathered at all events and actioned where appropriate to ensure that the needs of delegates are being met in terms of:
- Choice of topic
- Price point
- Choice of speaker
- Location of events
CPD essentials will focus on full day and half day conferences aimed at the following practice areas
- Building Surveying
- Quantity Surveying
- Commercial Property
- Residential Property
- Environmental issues
The intention is for the topic to be driven by your market needs. For suggestions on any content you would like to see please contact alison@cpdessentials.co.uk">Alison Plenderleith