Waterproofing at and below ground level and why it goes wrong
Date: Thursday 9 November 2023
Speaker: Nam Le Duy RIW
Time: 16:00 – 17:00
Objective of webinar:
To advise on how to develop a comprehensive and
effective waterproofing strategy as part of the specification process.
This presentation outlines the design considerations & principles vital when
building a water and / or gas proofing strategy at or below ground level.
The content is highly technical, with practical examples and case studies
The seminar agenda is outlined below which can be aligned with other
water & gas proofing modules, such as
(i) why does waterproofing go wrong?
(ii) common detailing solutions,
(iii) a journey through a major project protocol &
(iv) assessing & reducing waterproofing risk. As such, content can be focused according to the interests of the audience.